Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N77a Mercedes Benz 190E

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N77a Mercedes Benz 190E

I really don't care for TLV's paint process, but other than that, this Mercedes looks fantastic.

Tomica Limited Vintage   LV-N77a


Tomica Limited Vintage   LV-N77a Mercedes Benz

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N77a Mercedes Benz 190E

Tomica Limited Vintage  LV-N77a Mercedes Benz 190E

tlv mercedes

tlv mercedes tomica



  1. Wow, that is way too 'speckly'. For the price we're paying, TLV should get this sorted out. It looks very unrealistic.

    1. I should clarify: While I'm still not a huge fan of the paint job on this Benz, to naked eye, they don't look as bad as they may in these photos.

      These pictures were taken really close + sharpness turned up, so they to magnify details little bit. I got this one new back when, so I don't know how much they go for these days, but if you can find one at a reasonable price, I actually recommend this one to any collector interested in it. I much prefer it to the newer BMW castings.
