Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hot Wheels RLC - BRE Datsun 240Z, plus little bit of JDM Legends, little bit of JCCS on a Bluebird 510 Wagon.

hot wheels rlc bre datsun 240z

First, the Red Line Club Brock Racing Enterprise Datsun 240Z:

hot wheels rlc  datsun 240z

hot wheels  bre datsun 240z

hot wheels rlc bre datsun 240z

Unlike the Bluebird, which was limited to 3,000 + another 100 released directly by BRE, Mattel released 4,500 240Z's via RLC, and another I believe 18 through BRE.  Both the Bluebird/510 & 240Z released by BRE were autographed by the Team owner/manager + driver Peter Brock & John Morton.  Two standard RLC pair together:

hot wheels red line club bre datsun

I already had the "Boulevard" release & the $uper Treasure Hunt version of this casting, but this is my first mainline '71 Datsun Bluebird 510 Wagon.  Well, my first two.

hot wheels datsun bluebird 510 wagon

hot wheels datsun bluebird 510 workshop

hot wheels datsun bluebird 510 wagon

hot wheels datsun   510 wagon

These casting's been extremely hard to find for me.  I never found the first mainline release(red), but I didn't particularly like it enough to pay the premium online either.  Maybe one of these days, the right deal will present itself to me!


  1. You and your 510 wagon. I still haven't seen one! (Haven't been looking though, so that probably explains it lol)

    1. I looked for the first mainline release(red one), never could find one. This time around, I was like you, and wasn't really looking for one when I found two.

      I still don't like it enough to pay premium + shipping, but just for a dollar or two, they are really nice. Now, if they come out with BRE version, I'm pretty sure I'll pay two thousand dollars for one. j/k
