Monday, October 3, 2016

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra


No, sir.  

It's not 1/24 scale & I did not put it together after painting the individual parts myself.

Tamiya?  Minicar?  

I know, right?  WTH, but here it is.  

I actually had this car for looong time.  I bought this + R32 Skyline on eBay in my earlier days of collecting.  In Japan, Tamiya is a powerhouse brand in toy shops & model shops.  But even then, I think it's only in regards to plastic models, RC's(remote control) & Mini Yonku...  Mini 4WD.  I don't know what they call them in the international market, but they are little motorized buggy cars that race on tracks.

Tamiya certainly put in the effort here....... but Kyosho; the rival RC brand, actually committed to this segment, and I think Tamiya's inexperience really show.  This car is bit rough around the edges.  

Still, it's black Supra.  I'll take what I can get when it comes to this one.  While it's a very popular JDM car, I've never seen one from the premium brands like Kyosho & TLV.  Maybe another obscure brand like Tamiya has/had them on the market, but if they did, I've never seen it. Pics:

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra

hot wheels toyota supra

Off-road tires amirite.

kyosho toyota supra

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra

One of my favorite things on this car: Taillights.

Tamiya 1/64 Toyota Supra

tomica Toyota Supra

Doors open also, but I think so little of opening doors I didn't even think to take pictures of them.  My bad.


  1. Majorette's casting isn't bad, but this seems to be the best in quality between it, Majorette and Matchbox.

    1. I have zero knowledge on Majorette, but they are kinda close to the mainline level quality, right? I have the MBX one with rubber tires, and it is atrocious:

      While looking for that, I ran into your post in the same GTPlanet thread. It was Aoshima Itasha Supra. lmao
