Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas(F24) Hanamidai Auto Co. Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

I got couple of Tomica transporters in the mail earlier this month.  Mainline/basic Isuzu Elf(w/orange Isuzu Bellett!) & the TLV Nissan Atlas....  Wait.  So the cheap mainline transporter comes with this beautiful Bellett on the back, but the spendy Nissan Hanamidai safety loader has no sweet bonuses!?

tomica isuzu elf transporter

Oh, my bad.  It too also come equipped with the beautiful orange Isuzu Bellett(this is a bull***t lie, I'm sorry lol).

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Okay, jokes aside, this one caused a minor controversy when it was released in March.  Its MSRP was roughly $48, preorder price for me from amiami was $36-ish(before shipping), but as March approached, they quickly sold out & comes the secondary market prices(think eBay) of over $100!!  Yeah, nuts.  Whatever.

For me, the intrigue was this "Hanamidai" name.  Hanami is traditional cherry blossom flower viewing in Japan.  Grownups hit the park, enjoy the cherry blossoms & party.  The "dai" in the name would translate to something like a "stand", or "platform" in this case.  Naturally, I thought the name was a cute nickname given for its slick slide-action flatbed.  Until I googled it.

Yes, still probably have come from a nickname, but Hanamidai is the actual name of the company that builds these safety loader trucks.  They are located in Iwaki, Fukushima.  Very cool, as I used to visit my grandparents there every summer as a kid.  Pics:


Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage   Safety Loader

tlv Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage   Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

  LV-N144a Nissan Atlas

Tomica Limited Vintage  Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

トミカリミテッドヴィンテージ NEO LV-N144a 日産アトラス(F24)花見台自動車セフテーローダ

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Look, dude!  Those wheel stops are painted Isuzu Bellett-Orange!!

トミカリミテッドヴィンテージ  花見台自動車セフテーローダ

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage  Safety Loader

トミカリミテッドヴィンテージ  セフテーローダ

tlv Safety Loader

Tomica  Safety Loader

tomica Hanamidai

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage nissan transporter

tlv transporter

tomica limited vintage transporter

Tomica Limited Vintage flatbed

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N144a Nissan Atlas Hanamidai  Safety Loader

Tomica Limited Vintage  LV-N144a Nissan Atlas flatbed

Tomica Limited Vintage Nissan Atlas

Tomica Limited Vintage    Safety Loader

tomica limited vintage tow truck

tomica limited vintage flatbed tow truck

Tomica Limited Vintage  carrier transporter

Yeah baby.  Third transporter featured this month!

1/64 transporters carriers tow trucks hot wheels

Link to the other two: Scion/Chevy + Ford/Shelby


  1. Like that Scion xB with Transport. What is the brand? Where did you find it? I really really want that,been searching for a long time.

    1. My wishlist was long, so it took me years to get that one. I finally found it on eBay for what I would pay. I will add a link to both the Scion/Chevy transporter & the GreenLight Ford transporter now. Thanks for reading!

  2. Replies
    1. I can only think of two places: eBay & Yahoo Auctions Japan. LV-N144a would be the first release of this model, so probably pretty pricey at this point.

      Personally, I'd watch stuff like this on eBay & turn on the notification, so when one gets listed at your price point, you'll receive a email or text. Good luck!
