Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tomica Limited Vintage Neo: The Japanese Car Era 日本車の時代 Vol. 6 - Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top(with trunk/luggage bag)

Pretty neat car, but I think I passed on this car initially because in the original issue, the yellow one I wanted didn't have sunroof, or something trivial like that.  I was sort of glad I put it off, because the new one is a canvas top with a luggage bag on the back.  Little stuff can go long way with the silly collectors.  :D

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage

Nissan Be-1 Canvas Top tomica limited vintage


  1. The little details you mentioned, really make the Be-1. For me it's up there with the Bluebird 2 door sedan. It's perfect. :O

    Also, I can't believe it's taken you this long to post it!

    1. Yep, it's been too long. :D I agree with you on the casting, too. Pretty right on the money. I just wish TLV stop packaging these things in the collectible packaging though. As a high volume collector, I find that smaller the packaging the better. I love their standard mini boxes.

  2. But there's a standard box inside! :p

    I do like the collectible packaging but they are a complete pain to store because of the space they take up. lol.

  3. That's exactly what I'm talking about. In the medium tote, I can pack so many of those standard boxes, but going by my own photo at the top of the post, it looks like the collector boxes are around 4, 5 times larger than the standard one.

    Go green, Tomica! Go easy on the packaging! :D

  4. Recycle the excess and enjoy the rest. Or sell them off to someone who wants it.

    1. I get you broseph, but it's not that simple for most collectors. Resale value!
