Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hot Wheels K-Mart Day Exclusive: '71 Datsun Bluebird 510 Wagon

hot wheels k-day 510 bluebird wagon

"K-Day" is held on handful of Saturday morning every year at select K-Mart stores in the States.  It's fairly popular amongst Hot Wheels collectors, as at one of these events, there will be many sealed cases of Hot Wheels available for the collectors to open.  You will also see cars featuring paint job exclusive to the event(like the Bluebird/510 above).

I've attended maybe 3, 4 of them before.  Two different K-Mart stores(man, they are ran down these days...).  From what I understand, rules could vary from store to store, or how many attendees they get.  There are stores that get more sealed cases than attendees.  *drool*  However, if you suck like rest of us, your K-Mart will not have enough sealed cases for everyone attending, and it will result in drawing.

Luckily for me, I have yet to miss out on a sealed case.  Which means I've been able to get the exclusive cars....... however, I've never gotten a Treasure Hunt at out of these cases either.

This year's coveted car was the K-Day exclusive ever-popular 510 wagon.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm lukewarm to this casting.  Love the real car, but this casting doesn't affect me the way their coupe did.  Having said that, I scored couple of these from this seller on TTP for $8(shipped), and it may be my favorite 510 wagon.  Again having said that, it's still meh.  lol  Pics:

hot wheels k-day 510 bluebird wagon

hot wheels kmart 510 bluebird wagon

hot wheels k-day datsun 510 bluebird wagon

hot wheels k-day 510 bluebird wagon datsun

hot wheels kmart datsun 510 bluebird wagon


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