
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N160c 1982 Nissan Prairie Estate NV Nissan Service Car

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N160c 1982 Nissan Prairie Estate NV  Nissan Service Car

I hope you are ready for this one, because this post is not as it seems.  First of all, thank you Jarrod Blank for letting me feature your cars on my blog today(first was his Type-R Civic).  Secondly, the title & couple of images suggests that this post focuses on Nissan Prarie minivan, Nissan Service version.... from Kanagawa!(where I'm originally from).  

Tomica Limited Vintage  Nissan Prairie  Nissan Service Car

Tomica Limited Vintage  Nissan Prairie   Nissan Service

Tomica Limited Vintage  Nissan Prairie  Nissan Service

What what what what is this!?

Tomica Limited Vintage  Nissan Prairie

 This is what Jarrod called the "peer pressure".  We saw some obscene fool posting stuff like this on internet, and I thought it would be good idea for Jarrod to repeat the performance, but with his Honda Express Hino Transporter(you can ignore the 'Honda' bit) & his collection of Nissan Prairie castings by TLV!  Impressive, Jarrod!  :D

tomica limited vintage honda express hino transporter

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO Nissan Prairie

Found some extra Honda Express pics on his Flickr.  Check it out.  He even had LEGO London Bus on there.  Crazy.  Crazy awesome. 

tlv hino transporter trailer tomica

tomica limited vintage hino transporter trailer

tomica limited vintage honda express lv-n89c

tomica limited vintage honda express transporter tractor head trailer

Good job Jarrod.  Thanks man!!  :)

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N158a 1997 Honda Civic Type-R

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N158a Honda Civic Type-R

I'm so lazy now I have friends help provide materials for my blog posts. lol  I have three of these Civics now, two more stuck on a backorder with another order, and I do have plans for those.  Meanwhile, here's a Type-R Civic which belongs to my buddy Jarrod.  TLV doesn't automatically impress us anymore, but this one we both really liked:

Tomica Limited Vintage NEO LV-N158a Honda Civic Type-R

Tomica Limited Vintage  Honda Civic Type-R

Tomica Limited Vintage   Honda Civic Type-R

tlv Honda Civic Type-R

Very cool.  One of my favorite hatchbacks.  :)  When you hear "Type-R", I think lot of us think of white Honda with red emblem.  This Civic looks the part.  Check out Jarrod's collection on Flickr!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Caught off guard! - onemodel 1/64 Resin Honda Civic Mugen RR

So I'm browsing amiami, and I see attractive red Civic at the top of the best selling list on  It's a Mugen Civic, but not really my type.  It's by a company called.... onemodel?

onemodel 1/64  Civic

I almost preorder one(release date says "to be determined), but it's like $40!(U.S.). Search was bit cheaper($35 & change), but I'm not familiar with their shipping situation.  Their site says these cars are handmade & the first 1/64 scale model by onemodel.  Amiami website has zero info, but the shipping's CHEAP, and both sites has these stock photos while noting it is resin:

one model 1/64 Resin Honda Civic Mugen RR

onemodel 1/64

onemodel 1/64  Civic

I can't even find "onemodel" website.  Some googling led to these Facebook posts:

I think CS-Models is probably the onemodel?  Seriously though, these varying scale Mugen Civic shot's pretty cool:

onemodel cs-model mugen civic 1/64

I passed.  1) Price.  $40 + Shipping.  2) Generally a JDM fan, but this Civic just don't do anything for me.  *shrug*

Overall, I don't know about $40, but the quality looks decent, even considering the price?  If you like this car, I'd say go for it. Just not for me.  

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline kenmeri

I've taken lot of time off.  Little rusty, so I'm gonna get warmed up with this cool $TH(Super Treasure Hunt).  It came from eBay with damaged card for $43.75(shipped).

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Skyline

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Skyline

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Hot Wheels $uper Treasure Hunt Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R

Pretty clean tampos.  I love this thing.  Happy Valentines Day.  :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

OMG It's So Bad: GreenLight Datsun 510

greenlight datsun 510

greenlight datsun 510 bre

These pictures looked so enticing, I ended up preordering the Black Bandit version + the complete set of Tokyo Torque Series 2.  I was teased by other collectors little bit for these preorders, because of those ridiculous fugly looking 240Zs GreenLight came out with earlier.  Like these:

greenlight datsun  240z fairlady
No big deal.  Quite possibly the ugliest toy 240Z I have ever seen.  At least it would be good for off-roading amirite.  In fact, it was so ****ing ugly I was pretty confident that GreenLight would not make the same mistake with the 510.  No, sir.  Look at the Tomicas, look at the Hot Wheels.  Even the new comer to JDM, M2.  M2 Machines Datsun 510, maybe little rough around the edges, but man, they even got the scale right:

greenlight datsun 510
M2(left) & TLV(right)

Yeah, in my opinion, M2 casting looks pretty sharp for $5.99.  :)  Tomica Limited Vintage(TLV), yeah, pretty expensive, but it's one of the finest examples of 1/64 diecast I could find.  Just amazing stuff.  Hot Wheels, I believe theirs were designed by their superstar Jun Imai & they are frigging gorgeous.  Perhaps the biggest reason why I got hooked into this hobby back in 2010-ish.

greenlight datsun 510

Without further adieu, here's the Datsun 510 by GreenLight:

greenlight datsun 510

greenlight datsun 510 bluebird

greenlight datsun 510 bre brock
Granted, not as bad as their 240Zs.  Not saying much.  I can rant for another page & a half about it, but I'll just leave it at this. I'm no expert, but GreenLight is really showing their limitations when it comes to realistic/accurate castings.  I don't know if it's the design, or the manufacturing, or both.  These cars look like they were totaled & repaired by a cut rate body shop.  

Maybe this just means that castings like M2 Machines 510 were just that much remarkable of an accomplishment.  I'm still shaking my head at these GreenLight Datsun 510s though.  It's so bad.  *gag*

Monday, February 5, 2018

On the way home.......

hot wheels iroc and roll 85 camaro

No new Kemeri Skyline, or 70th Anniversary Honda Civic for me, but picked up couple of neat cars on the way home tonight at Walmart.  First is the "IROC and Roll" series 85 Chevrolet Camaro.  These types of releases cost over $2, but what can I say.  This car was my childhood crush & it's one of my favorite mainline castings.  :)

*Correction: "IROC and Roll" wasn't the name of the series.  Apparently, series is being referred to as the "Decades", or 50 Year Anniversary.  It seems to be a Walmart Exclusive though I'm not 100%....
hot wheels iroc and roll 85 camaro

hot wheels iroc and roll 85 chevrolet camaro

hot wheels iroc and roll 85 camaro

johnny lightning demolition derby 1981 chevy citation

Speaking of favorites, this one... No, not the Chevy Citation, but I have a soft spot for Demolition Derby cars, especially by Johnny Lightning.  It was..... *checks receipt*  $5.97.  Oh my god, that's what I was afraid of.  Still, car is neat as hell.

johnny lightning demolition derby 1981 chevy citation

johnny lightning demolition derby 1981 chevy citation

johnny lightning demolition derby chevy citation cited again

Sorry for yet another lame & lazy post.  I do have something special to share, hopefully sometime this week.  I've been busy + my passion for these little cars aren't what they used to be.  Fear not, I shall return.  :p