
Random Toys

McFarlane - The Walking Dead Dale's RV

I recently posted the toy figure of Daryl from the hit zombie show Walking Dead.  They come in blind bag for $3 or something, so I bought one just to see what it was like?  Well, couple days ago, I don't collect LEGOs, or blocks, but I was looking to see if there were any deals on "Call of Duty" Mega Blok set for my nephew.....  There were, I picked up a couple, but I also saw this "RV" from the Walking Dead for $15!

McFarlane - The Walking Dead Dale's RV

McFarlane - The Walking Dead Dale's RV clearance

I've seen them before, but since I don't collect blocks, as much as I enjoy the show, I passed for $50 retail price..... but for $15, I had to get it.  I don't know what I'm gonna do with it(flip it? store it? build it?), but I'm glad I happened to see it.  :)  

Stock photo of what they look like assembled:


Kumukumu Puzzle Mini(3D Jigsaw) - My Neighbor Totoro/クムクムパズル-みに となりのトトロ どんぐりトトロ

I found this on amiami for roughly $5(before shipping).  Totoro's awesome, puzzle's fun.  It's a win-win.

umukumu Puzzle Mini(3D Jigsaw) - My Neighbor Totoro

totoro 3d puzzle

Medicom Toy Ultra Detail Figure 
"Fujiko F Fujio" Series

If you are not familiar with Japanese pop-culture, if you didn't grow up watching Doraemon, or Pāman, this is probably where you start going ........ WTF is this dude.  lol

  fujiko fujio doraemon nobita のび太 figure
 Nobita napping on my Tomicarama Shell gas station 
medicom fujiko fujio doraemon nobita ultra detail figure のび太

medicom fujiko fujio perman parman ultra detail figure パーマン
Pāman 1, 2 & 3(center, left, & right)

I say I don't collect figurines.  Uh-oh. 

NECA John Matrix figure from "Commando" feat. Arnold Schwarzenegger

neca commando john matrix

neca commando

neca commando arnold scwarzenegger figure

"Commando", along with Top Gun was like my favorite action film from childhood.  I'm not a figurine collector, but man, there are lot of cool ones out there & I can see how people get into it.  I nearly bought the Terminator 2 figure that was right next to this thing(comes with minigun!!), had to tell myself I'm a hot wheel collector, not about to pick up another nerdy hobby.  lol  I'm glad I got this though, if you haven't seen "Commando"..... it's actually a pretty horrible movie.  I don't care, I love it.  :p


McFARLANE The Walking Dead Building Sets Figure

Got this one while shopping at Target.  I don't collect these things or anything, but I am a fan of the show, and since I've had good luck in the past the one time I tried it(LEGO Homer Simpson), I tried it again.  Hmm......

mcfarlane walking dead daryl figure

mcfarlane walking dead daryl figure

mcfarlane walking dead daryl figure

mcfarlane walking dead daryl figure

Meh.  Actually, after inspecting the line-up for this series, Daryl's the only character from the very beginning, so I guess I did alright.  :D  *edit - Actually, Rick is in there.  Darn.  lol

Nintendo amiibo Mario(Modern Color)

How cool is this in 3D?

Nintendo amiibo Mario

Nintendo amiibo Mario

Nintendo amiibo Mario

Nintendo amiibo Mario

Nintendo amiibo Mario

This is too cool.  Saved the best shot for last.  lol

Nintendo amiibo Mario

I guess you use these figures for games(Nintendo Wii-U, 3DS), but I just got it to display.  I'm showing it off hung inside my cubicle.  :D

Don't mind the guy inside the NRA sticker.  He's my coworker, he doesn't even own any firearm.  lol



  1. I followed the show from season 1 until the part with the barn full of Zombie neighbors and relatives where Rick had to shoot the zombified girl from their own group. Hard stuff.
    Personal life changed, it wasn't really about the show but as I understood it became a little boring with no Z's around.

    1. I've heard similar sentiments, especially from Jarrod, whose cars has appeared on this blog from time to time(

      Me, I've been a zombie junkie from young age & I still follow anything zombie related. lol Thanks for commenting. I wish you & your family safety during these crazy times!
