
Sunday, January 10, 2016

CM's Ford Focus RS WRC 01 2001 Monte Carlo

CM's Ford Focus

I waited so long to get this one.  I do have a soft spot for the original Ford Focus, this livery looks money, but it was also pretty expensive on eBay.  Thanks to the heads up from Andy of Epic Collage, I finally have one.  In typical CM's fashion, it is frigging awesome!  XD
CM's Ford Focus wrc mcrae

CM's Ford Focus mcrae

CM's Ford Focus

CM's Ford Focus wrc

CM's Ford Focus

CM's Ford Focus 1/64

CM's Ford Focus mcrae wrc

Too bad they skipped the resin taillights on these.  That would've been pretty epic. 

CM's Ford Focus kyosho autoart


  1. My word, the nostalgic feelings I'm getting right now... That car just brings backs those fun days when I was a wee nipper, joyfully playing Colin Mcrae 2.0's demo in my trusty Playstation. And boy, where those the days.

    It also helps that CM's casting is nearly flawess, the Focus is a work of art. All it's missing are the writings on the rims, as well as proper resin taillights, the fault you mentioned...

    1. That reminds me, last Celica in this post:

      That was straight out of some arcade game I enjoyed back in the day. When shopping for my first CM's, that definitely came into play on picking out which cars to try out. Unfortunately, due to high market prices then, it wasn't until another year or two later I finally got the Celica I initially wanted. THEN, it came in damaged with broken rear wheel(superglued together now), so I ended up getting that one for free. :D

    2. Ah, I remember seeing that story before; the broken Celica, with its damaged wheel... Shame about that one, but the car itself is pretty good.

      An arcade game? Could it be Sega Rally? It has a Celica, and it was a very popular arcade game in the early 90s, so the shoe fits....

    3. I think it was this game:

    4. Oh, it was one of Gaelco's horizontal rally racing games! I see, thanks for clarifying. Not quite as good as Sega Rally, but still, it's a nice way of learning about the greatness that is the Castrol Celica...

    5. Yeah, it wasn't the greatest game, but in the US, arcade machines and businesses were kinda slow.

    6. Well that's odd... I guess it took a while before games like Sega Rally, Outrun and Daytona USA really caught on with the American crowd.

    7. No, it was just arcade business in general. In Japan, they were called "game center", and they were everywhere, and they had the newest & coolest machines. In the U.S., machines were generally bit outdated & you pretty much had to drive to get to one. I still had fun. :)

    8. Ah, that much I know, arcades are bigger than consoles in Japan, even today! In other countries, it was expensive and not profitable to buy all the fresh new games, so parlors just bought the popular games and kept using them until the machines fell apart... Still, they gave people good memories, while they lasted, which is good enough.

    9. Yes, it was exactly like that in Oregon(USA).
