
Saturday, October 31, 2015

M2 Machines Auto-Thentics 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

I haven't bought one of these in awhile.  I guess I really liked the color combination.

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

tomicarama diorama

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

M2 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air

M2, please don't ever change!

Greenlight Special Edition - Milezone Primer Project '68 Chevelle SS

When I bought this Primer Mustang GT, I also chased this Chevelle, but the price was too high at the time.  This time around, I found a eBay seller who was willing to sell me one for $14(shipped), so I was happy to score one.  Milezone used to release these special edition cars all the time, but they are unfortunately closing doors to diecast business & are now selling custom knives online.   Anywho, here's the Chevelle.

greenlight primer chevelle milezone

greenlight primer chevelle milezone

greenlight primer chevelle milezone

I love it.

Auto World Hemmings Muscle Machines: 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1

auto world ford mustang mach 1 i

Not amongst the favorites for Ford fans & Mustang fans.  Not me, I've always liked this body style.

auto world ford mustang mach 1 i

auto world ford mustang mach 1 i

tomicarama diorama

auto world ford mustang mach 1 i

auto world ford mustang mach 1 i

auto world ford mustang mach 1 i

I wasn't going to get this when it was initially released.  One advantage in having stores around me that fails to carry the hottest, or the latest hot wheels & other diecasts:  Sometimes, you still get the second chance at the oldest stuff from months ago.  lol

In fact, this store also had TWO of the M2 Shelby Cobra auto-hauler trailers.  TWO.  It was my last chance to pick that one up, but you know, money & (storage)space.  :(

Auto World 2014 Dodge Viper SRT

auto world dodge viper

My bad, I thought this was the chase color?  It generally is, but look like this one is just another standard Viper, without the white stripe down the middle.  Still, color is beautiful, and so is the casting.  Quite a buy for $2.99 from Walmart.

auto world dodge viper tomicarama

auto world dodge viper

auto world dodge viper

auto world dodge viper hot wheels

auto world dodge viper

auto world dodge viper

Do I give credit to Dodge, or Auto World for the beautiful contour?  Probably both.

Tomica Limited Vintage - LV-86b 1968 Porsche 911S

Tomica Limited Vintage - LV-86b 1968 Porsche 911S

I've had this one for while, but first time I'm posting it on here.  Beautiful car, long overdue.

tlv porsche 911 tomica

Tomica Limited Vintage - LV-86b 1968 Porsche 911S

Tomica Limited Vintage - LV-86b 1968 Porsche 911S

tlv LV-86b 1968 Porsche 911S

Tomica Limited Vintage - LV-86b 1968 Porsche 911S

tlv porsche 911

I went with yellow, and I'm glad, but I now want silver.

tlv 911 porsche diorama tomicarama

Edit:  I paid $24.80 for this car.  On eBay, back in 2014.  These things cost WAY more now.  No, I don't need silver.  lol

Tomica Limited Vintage LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe(blue) + LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe(Fire Department Command Vehicle)

Skylines, Skylines, Skylines..... but not your Paul Walker Skylines.  These classics were released by the Prince Motor Company, company that later would be absorbed by Nissan.  These cars are from the late-50's to early-60's.

LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe tlv

LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe tomica limited vintage

LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe tlv

LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe tomica limited vintage

tlv prince skyline

LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe tomica limited vintage

LV-46b Prince Skyline Deluxe tlv

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tomica limited vintage

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tlv

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tomica limited vintage

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tlv

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tlv

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tomica limited vintage

LV-57a Prince Skyline 1900 Deluxe fire tomica limited vintage

Gorgeous design, especially the rear...... and very impressive execution by TLV.  Super clean!

Tomica Limited Vintage: LV-75b Nissan 3.5ton Truck Wrecker/Tow Truck(Nissan Service)

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker tow truck lv-75b lv-75a

This red/white/blue truck is the second wrecker/tow truck by TLV(not counting the special edition green chrome). 

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker tow truck lv-75b

What a fantastic (re)release!  Last time around, we had little fun hooking up Greenlight trailer to the LV-75a(gray) truck.  While there is no Greenlight hitch & tow this time around, please do enjoy the special appearance by the original wrecker truck.  :D

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker tow truck

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker tow truck nissan service

tlv nissan wrecker tow truck greenlight hitch & tow


tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker tow truck service tlv

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker greenlight hitch & tow

tlv nissan wrecker tow truck 3.5

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker tow truck tlv

tomicarama diorama

tomica limited vintage nissan wrecker towing greenlight m2

Looks like they did away with those roof-mounted rotating lights.  Still, only the second time this casting's been released in retail.  I hope you don't miss out!