
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tomica Limited Vintage: LV-143c Daihatsu Midget + LV-77e Subaru Samba "National"(JDM Panasonic) Version

Tomica Limited Vintage: LV-143c Daihatsu Midget + LV-77e Subaru Samba "National"(JDM Panasonic) Version

Back in the day, when I was a kid in Japan, there was a home appliance maker called "National".  They were part of the Matsushita Corporation, which recently has renamed itself after their global brand name "Panasonic".

Fittingly, Subaru Samba has "National Room Cooler"(or air conditioner) on the side & Daihatsu Midget says "National TV".

Tomica Limited Vintage: LV-143c Daihatsu Midget + LV-77e Subaru Samba "National"(JDM Panasonic) Version

rear back Tomica Limited Vintage: LV-143c Daihatsu Midget + LV-77e Subaru Samba "National"(JDM Panasonic) Version

Little size comparison with the hot wheels Civic.

tiny tomica limited vintage next to hot wheels racing civic on tomicarama diorama  1/64



  1. Samba is awesome. Great stuff a6. :)

    1. Fun little trucks. My Shell Tomicarama set actually came with one of those things with Shell paint job on it.
