
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Hot Wheels RLC "Real Riders" Series Baja Bruiser

hot wheels rlc baja bruiser real riders

I did a "Top Ten" feature few years ago.  These Desert Island cars of mine & other collectors.  This car was not in my top ten, but it got the honorable mention.  However, due to crazy coincidences, it never saw the light of day my blog.  Today, I was taking pictures of other cars for eBay & when I saw it, I was like why not.  Better late than never.  :)

hot wheels rlc baja bruiser

I have soft spot for Ford trucks & you notice the blue oval on this car almost right away.  Pretty.

hot wheels baja bruiser ford

hot wheels rlc baja bruiser real riders

Love the "MATTEL" tailgate.  So awesome.

hot wheels rlc baja bruiser ford rally

hot wheels rlc baja bruiser

hot wheels rlc baja bruiser real riders

I have no idea why this thing is valued so low.  I'm never selling mine.  :)