
Friday, April 19, 2019

From Target - Maybe New Hot Wheels Central

hot wheels at target

I don't know about your neighborhood, but where I live, Walmart is hit & miss at very best, when it comes to premium Hot Wheels.  

While I don't hunt anymore, trying to quit collecting, I still buy cars from here & there(hehe...).  Today, I wanted to pickup some pastries & only the Target store was nearby.  I go in, and I still always check the pegs even if just casually.....  Now that Mattel's holding events at Target, maybe the Hot Wheels powerhouse Walmart has some serious competition here.  I saw so many different premium/culture series Hot Wheels at Target today I've only seen before online:

hot wheels delorean back to the future 3 tur-bone charged sky boat

I'm fond of the Back to the Future III DeLorean.  After picking up two fun looking mainlines for my nephews, I was going to get it for myself.  I changed my mind, only brought back pics:

hot wheels delorean back to the future 3

Love these frigging wheels.  Very cool.

hot wheels delorean back to the future 3

hot wheels delorean back to the future 3

Top notch detailing.  Speaking of top notch detaling, while I didn't get this one either, I wish I was still actively building a collection:

hot wheels nsx  advan

hot wheels nsx  advan

hot wheels nsx  advan

Beautiful car..... and no joke, as I was leaving the aisle, I find this thing  hanging on a wrong peg:

66 super nova gasser transport hot wheels

66 super nova gasser hot wheels

66 super nova retro rig hot wheels

I was stoked.  This was one of the few recent releases I actually wanted.  Never guessed I'd actually find it.  If you look in this blog, you'll see I have quite a few gassers in my collection.  :)

Monday, April 1, 2019

25 in Existence: TLV Silver Prize Nissan Cedric Custom

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom

After 400 releases & 3 million cars sold, to thank their fans, Tomytec gave away just 25 gold chrome cars + black leather keychains as the "gold prize" & 25 silver chrome cars + keychains for the silver prize.  Sucks if you won just the keychains amirite.  50 lucky..... bronze prize winners received brown leather keychains.

I've had the pleasure of sharing three uber rare TLV chrome cars on this blog so far, and they've all belonged to the super TLV collector I know from GTPlanet: GroupB, who also happens to be unbelievable wealth of automotive knowledge.  If you owned one or two of these cars, you are super collector in my book.  Jeebus.  He's got four now.  First three:

tlv green chrome nissan wrecker

tlv red chrome nissan junior pump

blue chrome nissan diesel 680

Oh, yeah.  Tomytec likes their Nissans. lol  Here comes #4: The silver prize Nissan Cedric Custom.  

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom

tlv chrome nissan cedric custom

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom

tlv chrome nissan cedric custom

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25

While Tomytec call this silver chrome, as you can see, it's a pretty dark color.  According to GroupB, it's black.

tlv chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric   1 of 25

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25 400 models releases

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25 3 million cars sold

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom tlv

tomica limited vintage black chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25

tlv  nissan cedric custom 1 of 25 3 million sold 400 models released

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25 sweepstake giveaway 

tomica limited vintage silver chrome nissan cedric custom 1 of 25 keytag

Left is the box the Cedric comes in.  You may think we go little overboard with the coverage on these limited keytags & their production numbers, but since the start, my motivation has been to record as much information on these prizes as possible.  When I first found out about these chrome cars, I could only find blurry photos online, and they were in Japanese.  Information on rare/obscure TLVs are hard to come by sometimes, especially from English language sources.  Okay, maybe sometimes my "Engrish" shows.  Fair. lol 

Anyway, exactly how many of these leather keychains were made available:

tomica limited vintage keychain

Thanks for the breakdown on that GroupB, and again, special, special thanks for the opportunity to share this with TLV collectors around the world.  "1 of 100" chrome TLVs were amazing.  Only 25 of these silver/black chrome Cedric Customs were given away.  Not much I can add to that.  1 of 25, not sold in stores.  Epic.

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